Es gibt einen Text, den heise immer als Baustein in seine Artikel zum NSA-Skandal einbaut. Er ist derart einprägsam, dass ich jedesmal wünschte, genau diese zwei Sätze würden b.a.w. morgens in jeder Schule gemeinsam gebetet werden:
“Die NSA, der britische GCHQ und andere westliche Geheimdienste greifen in großem Umfang internationale Kommunikation ab, spionieren Unternehmen sowie staatliche Stellen aus und verpflichten Dienstleister im Geheimen zur Kooperation. Einzelheiten dieses totalen Überwachungssystems enthüllen streng geheime Dokumente, die der Whistleblower und ehemalige NSA-Analyst Edward Snowden an sich gebracht und an Medien weitergegeben hat.”
"List of Events from Contact Detail View" and "different ,CALENDAR TYPES"
Thunderbird's addressbook: List of events from contact detail view
As a means to link past events and - moreover - communication/project notes, it would be marvellous to have a history of all events, where $contact has been invited (=linked), as a list from the $contact's detail view.
As a direct consequence, calendars an be used to hold such notes without cluttering the contact's "NOTE" field.
Lightning Calendar: Support various calendar types
This resembles one more reason, why lightning should scale to hold loads of calendar files and group them to different calendar types that can be visualized/treated/synchronized/buffered/interacted following different templates, as:
Project type (Gantt-relashionship management ("BEGIN" or "END" depends on other event"))
Holiday type (sync disable/long cycle and checksum only, visualize in top row and without borders between days
Event type (show other events with same organiozer/location/category as child container), thus
Schedule type
Birthday type
Of course, color helps, but colors are just not enough to visualize a cool calendar!